ha ha i totally posted this blog on myspace, but i felt compelled to share it with everybody. here we go...

ok. sooo i was in a nasty (not so) little car accident one year ago today. said accident left me with a fractured left knee cap, torn tendons in my right hand, and a
completely crushed right heel. after many months, two reconstructive surgeries, casts, orthopedic braces, and heaps of physical therapy i am almost normal :) my right foot (the one with the busted heel) is still kind of messed up. like, i can't run, stand for long periods of time, or walk on uneven terrain (damaged proprioceptors, haayy). however, i am satisfied in knowing that i will be able to do all of these again at some point!
but yeah, positivity and a sense of humor totally kept my chin up this year. TOTALLY. and my loved ones...oh my loved ones. the ones that kept me smiling. they know who they are, and they know that i love them with every fiber of my being. thank you thank you
thank you for being strong and not giving up on me. ya'll are my rushmore.
ah ha ha ha crying.
ah ha ha ha poor sentence structure while crying :)
i love each and every one of you and i mean that. i'm grateful that i'm here, and i'm grateful that remarkable people like you exist.

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