Sunday, December 7, 2008

bring it on winter?

ok. so remember the snuggie? come to find out that the snuggie has some competition in the "creepy blanket/robes that make you look like you're in a cult" department. meet the slanket...


decemeber's here and i am job/apartment hunting like a fiend at this point. got a couple good leads, so we shall see.


Unknown said...

Slanket was first I think, but they are both really uhm, uhmazing.

I just cut armholes and a

Good luck with the apartment hunting!

the only amaris said...

i want to see a fight with the snuggies vs the slankets. ha ha ha some west side story shit.

amazing is right. i still want to have a creepy, cozy snuggie/slanket party. what?

thanks! i kind of hope that finding a job will be easier than finding an apartment, although it would be awesome if both came easily.

Anonymous said...

woah! i saw this thing at boscovs and was very upset! ahhah the basement of boscovs! its like pee wees big adventure!

the only amaris said...

i've never been to boscov's basement. the prospect excites, AND scares me :I