ok, i like empathy and all. it's so cool! yay empathy! all the same, it kind of sucks when it gets the best of you and makes you think the worst. i tend to take things personally when my favorite people are sour. kinda sucks. but yeah, i like how pms tries to give you all of these reasons to be upset (especially when you're about to take a 5 hour bus ride home). all of this digging...it's like your an archaeologist of
PAIN lol lol. oh man. i won't do it this time. no thanks. i'm going to ride the bus back to stroudsburg and i'm going to laugh for no reason, read girly magazines, keep reading "snuff" (yay chuck palahniuk!), going drink some of harrisburg dairie's
finest iced tea, and i am going to get cozy with my ipod. tonight's going to be one of those wine and cheese + DVR nights, i can feel it. see you in stroudsburg. you're all as good as gold, trust me.

Sorry you're sour. What's funny is that Chuck is my favorite writer. I actually got an autographed first edition of Stuff. You get a big thumbs up from me right there.
And well, Stroudsburg. I only know about some of the cool places along the Delaware Water Gap off Old Mine Road. Plus you got that Taco Bell/Restaurant/Truck Stop/Baptist Church right off of 80. I think that's Stroudsburg. Great place. Here's a picture from there.
it's cool, i'm over it now. yes yes yes chuck is awesome :)
there are a lot of gems in the stroudsburg area, you just have to know where to find them. oh man, they totally closed that truck stop. kinda pissed about that. i would always go there and buy weird shit ha ha.
ha ha that picture is amazing. if you're ever passing through again let me know, and i'll tell you about the cool spots (like the waterfall behind the main street, or the tavern that opens at 7am).
Well that's some fucking bullshit. Where am I going to get a denim vest with fringe or a confederate flag cowboy hat?
I meant an autographed edition of Snuff, not stuff. Whewps.
I'll hit you up when I go back to the water gap.
Oh, there are a chock full o' places here in the Poconos where one can get fringed denim, and confederate flag cowboy hats. Trust me. Oh yeah, wolf t-shirts AND dream catchers too. Ha ha it's kind of fucked that I actually wouldn't mind owning a pair of dream catcher earrings.
Ha ha I was wondering when he wrote a book called "Stuff." And then I wondered if he actually signed a copy of Stuff magazine?
Yeah, let me know.
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