What was your favorite candy as a kid?
red and green gummy bears.
Whats the best place to order t-shirts online?
there are cool places to procure some hot t-shirt action all over the place. i guess that karmaloop is cool because they sell shirts by wowch?

Have you ever seen the show Dead Like Me?
How many clocks are in your house?
omg way to many.
Has someone ever sexually poured candle wax on you?
Are you scared of Two-Legged Stools?
ha ha ha what? that's a weird question.
If you were asked to name a very common phobia, what would you say?
Can you ever be a vegan?
Has someone ever called you peanut?
What’s the closest pink object in your reach?
a tube of pink lipgloss.
Have you ever taken a shower, naked, with a friend?
Who do you secretly, or openly, want to have sex with?
Do you have a currently celebrity crush?
Do you like nicknames that are from your name?
everyone mispronounces all of my names anyway.
Have you ever gotten into a serious bike accident?
no, surprisingly.
Have you, do you/ would you ever eat tofu?
holy shit yes.
What would you say if a Playboy Playmate walked up to you on the street naked?
i would probably laugh?
Where is most of the furniture in your house from?
all over.
When you play The Sims, do you find your self overly-decorative?
i dont play the sims.
Have you ever washed someones car to get money?
Whats a question you always wanted to see on a survey but never did?
ha ha i haven't really thought about it.
Have you ever walked in the middle of the street just to piss off people?
Were you ever drug tested, if so, what were your results?
yes, and i was c-c-clean.
Have you ever been to a funeral?
Does your grandma know how to party?
Have you ever been to Villa Roma?
What do you do when someone jokingly slaps your ass?
enjoy it?
Is there a street name that you absolutely love?
bixley heath, y'all. lynbrook, long island 4 lyfe.
Has someone ever written a song about you?
an impromptu one :)
What kind of computer are you taking this survey on?
a PC.
Have you ever seen the Geek Squad car in person?
uh huh.
Have you ever taken a quiz to see how scene you are?
no i have not.
Have you ever shaved your head?
Ever throw something at a fan and laughed as it flew across the room?
no, but i like talking into fans. that's HILARIOUS.
Are you Jewish?
Have you ever dated someone that played drums?
ha ha i don't think so?
Would you rather use a professional camera or a digital camera?
hmmm a professional one.
Do you steal iPods from people on the bus/train?
no, but some girl GAVE me an ipod at a dance party in brooklyn.
Do you currently have have bruises on your body?
no, just mosquito bites.
Have you ever seen someone get beat up, and did something about it?
i yelled. it's scary when i yell.
Have you ever watched Queer Duck?
queer duck?! no, but i'm pretty sure that i need to!
What’s a movie that you haven’t watched in years?
the fifth element.
Have you ever eaten something you weren’t supposed to?
um yeah sure.
Have you ever had the urge to chew on a battery?
Have you ever made plans but then decided to just sit in the house?
oh yes.
Did you have anything to drink today?
of course.
Have you ever met a really skinny boy who wished he was skinnier?
Is there an air conditioner in the room you are currently in?
yes, but it's not cold enough.
How often do you cook?
quite often.
When was the last time you cut your toenails?
a couple days ago.
Why do the majority of teens think that fake eating disorders are cool?
i don't know? if they do that's sad ha ha.
Last movie you saw:
"do you like hitchcock?" by dario argento.
First decade you remember:
Last drink you drank?
tap water.
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