- creating and being calm. calm creation, obvi.

- top shop opening in nyc! til then there's always the online site. but do you see what i mean?!

- barbecuing, because i win at making shish kabobs. ask ben.

- dancing. A LOT of dancing, even the kind that occurs in my bedroom when no one is watching.

- getting a desk job.

- tyring out taco bell's fruitista freeze drink. that stuff looks amaaazing, not gonna lie.

- hopping back on the fitness pony. low impact would be best with my whole "busted paw" dilemma. any suggestions?

- painting my nails.

- healing some more :)

oh, and hanging out with my favorite people. you're as good as gold.
you should totally try cerveza tecate with a side of strawberries. it's made my sunday an awesome one.
lol@ ms piggy workout tape
ha ha ha ikr XD
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